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Im Wald

The yard

The team

Armin is an organic vegetable farmer. He has been working in agriculture since 2017. He trained at the Gärtnerhof Ochsenherz, in the botanical garden of the University of Vienna, where he completed his apprenticeship, at the Gärtnerhof Distelfink and with the organic farmer Monika Mühr. In 2018 he grew vegetables on an abandoned field of the Ochsenherz farm and delivered vegetable boxes for 30 people to Vienna. In 2019 he supplied the co-founded Partycipation Camp with vegetables.
Jean-Martin Fortier, who wrote the book 'The Market Gardener', was an inspiration to create a farm where community supported agriculture, market garden cultivation systems and forest garden elements come together.

Solidarity Agriculture

In community supported Agriculture (CSA), the members bear the costs of the farm, in return for which they receive the harvest. Recipients of a vegetable box receive seasonal, regional and organic food and experience what’s going on on the farm directly with joint harvests and farm festivals.

As a producer, I have more planning security, support from the community and receive a secure income through the monthly payments. Even weather-related crop failures are not my sole responsibility.

The vegetable boxes avoid food waste, packaging and transport routes. Through the gentle working methods with a hand tractor and the wide digging fork, I keep the soil fertile for future generations.

market garden

Market gardens have existed since the 19th century and describe compact courtyards that occupy a very small area (up to 3 ha), produce vegetables with simple techniques and high space efficiency.

The usual use of heavy machinery is dispensed with, which reduces soil compaction and fuel consumption.

This creates new possibilities, such as cultivation in denser planting and seeding distances. This increases yields, reduces weed pressure and saves irrigation water.


'Small farmer, labour-intensive and diversity-oriented structures are the guarantors and bearers of hope for a socially, economically and ecologically sustainable food supply [...] '

– World Agricultural Report 2013 –

The forest garden

The forest garden mimics the complex interplay of the many species and types of the forest ecosystem - from bacteria, fungi and insects to herbs, shrubs, vegetables and woody plants, there is a habitat in it.

When planning a forest garden, some elements of the natural ecosystem are replaced, for example, coniferous trees with nut or fruit trees.

The forest garden is structured in seven levels:

  • Large trees (mulberry, ... )

  • Smaller trees (Sechuan pepper, peach, fig, ...)

  • Shrubs/bushes (currant, jostaberry,...)

  • Perennials/herbs (rhubarb, artichoke, hosta, thyme, sage, savory...)

  • Ground cover (mint, immortality herb,... )

  • Root plants (Jerusalem artichoke, horseradish, carrots,...)

  • Tendrils/climbing plants (wine, kiwi, hops,...)


Organic Farming

'Holistic networked thinking and a business cycle that is as closed as possible with a diverse structure are the basis and a prerequisite for successful organic agriculture. The natural resources of soil and water are protected and passed on to future generations.'
- Ministry of Agriculture -

Important Principles of the CSA Forest Garden

Use of external energy as little as possible
The use of artificial fertilizers and peat, the production of which is very destructive and energy-intensive, is avoided. Oil and plastic are avoided as far as possible - the vegetables are delivered by electric car and the hand tractor runs on old cooking oil.

Using natural self-regulatory mechanisms
Through a diverse crop rotation, a heavily inhabited soil, promotion of beneficial insects and the appropriate use of various varieties, diseases, pests and weeds do not get out of hand.

Nourishing the soil and not the plant
Soil nutrients are activated by gentle cultivation of the soil and the application of compost.

As closed circuits as possible
Anything left on the farm is reused. As far as possible, no operating resources are purchased.

A Green Island

The Marchfeld is characterized by conventional and large-scale agriculture. This form of farming leaves little room for insects and other living creatures.

The forest garden offers a small oasis of biodiversity in the middle of these endless uniform fields.

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